segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010

"To join profit and pleasure"

This morning an E.E. II student asked me how to say "unir/juntar o útil ao agradável" in English, and I just couldn't remember.  I remember telling her that the expression wasn't translated literally -- not at least as far as the usage of the preposition ("a") goes in the Portuguese expression because of the verb ("unir algo 'a' algo"), and also, of course, that both Portuguese words "útil" and "agradável" cannot be translated (again, at least not literally) as "profit" and "pleasure".  So, here it goes: "unir/juntar o útil ao agradável" in Portuguese is the equalivalent to "to join profit and pleasure" in English.  I remembered how to say it this morning as I was driving back home from UFPI after classes.  Sometimes I think I'm just getting old when I can't remember certain things, such as this very common expression in English!

4 comentários:

  1. ok professor esta deu uma ótima sample composition..

  2. I like your way to teach and show us this kind of curiosities in English. That's what I think, when you get used to this kind of idiomatic expressions, you can better communicate, indeed!

    sorry 'bout any mistakes, that's it! =)

  3. Thanks for one more new expression. :)

  4. Hi Professor Wander!!! Your blog is great!!!! In this moment I have no better adjective to it. I just can say that I love it. Congratulations!!!
    I am proud in being your student and very happy in following your blog.
